- Integrated with our existing product, and/or Independent Wired Queue Management System available.
- Suitable for clinic, customer care center (eg : telco ) Bank, restaurant,Univeristy, Barber shop etc.
- Appointment & Queue Management Software to manage appointment & queue for healthcare industry.
Queue Management System
- Software for professional like Clinic, Doctor​, Dentist,Therapist, Veterinary clinic​ , Lawyer & legal firm, Accounting firm etc​.
- Software for healthcare industry like Dialysis Center​,Medical center and hospital​ and hospitality industry.
Software for Professional
- Networking of Local Area Network ( LAN ).
- Wiring & Cabling of Cat 5 wire
- Installation of power point ( plugin socket )
Wiring,cabling & installation
We are IT solution company focus on Professional, SME, healthcare industry like clinic, doctor, dentist, therapist, veterinary,Dailysis centre, hospital and education sector like University etc.
IT Solutions​
for Professional, SME & Healthcare
1. Queue Management System
2. Software for Professional
3. Wiring, cabling & installation
Helping you find the right IT solutions.
Looking for Queue Management System, Wired Queue Management System, Appointment & Queue Management Software, Queue Management System for hospital's Radiology Department.
We supply to clinic, university, barber shop, customer care centre (eg : telco).
We also provide installation , wiring & cabling services for Queue Management System. Networking of Local Area Network ( LAN ) etc.
Queue Management System
Software for Professional
Wiring, Cabling & installation
IT partner with a shared vision.
​Queue Management System - Integrated with our existing product, and/or Independent Wired Queue Management System also available.
- Suitable for clinic, customer care center (eg : telco ),University, Barber shop, Bank, restaurant etc.
- Appointment & Queue Management Software to manage appointment & queue for healthcare industry.
- Queue Management System for hospital's Radiology Department
Software for Professional - Software for professional like Clinic, Doctor​, Dentist , Therapist, Veterinary clinic​ , Lawyer & legal firm, Accounting firm etc​.
- Software for healthcare industry like Dialysis Center​,Medical center and hospital​ and hospitality industry.
Wiring, cabling & installation - Networking of Local Area Network ( LAN ).
- Wiring & cabling of Cat 5 wire.
- installation of additional power point ( plugin socket ).